WEBVTT 1 00:00:05.439 --> 00:00:08.356 (crowd applauding) 2 00:00:10.660 --> 00:00:12.282 Thank you, everyone. 3 00:00:12.282 --> 00:00:14.906 I do recognize that I'm the individual standing 4 00:00:14.906 --> 00:00:16.826 between you and a break, 5 00:00:16.826 --> 00:00:21.220 so I'll make for sure that I don't hold you up. 6 00:00:21.220 --> 00:00:25.231 But as Dr. Bruce said, my name is Rashida Fords. 7 00:00:25.231 --> 00:00:27.470 And my primary role, I work 8 00:00:27.470 --> 00:00:29.668 in the Holmes Cultural Diversity Center 9 00:00:29.668 --> 00:00:32.634 where we focus on student success as you heard, 10 00:00:32.634 --> 00:00:35.702 so really focused on getting our students engaged 11 00:00:35.702 --> 00:00:39.226 with the university, and getting them actively involved 12 00:00:39.226 --> 00:00:42.020 in student organizations here on campus. 13 00:00:42.020 --> 00:00:44.580 And then in addition to that 14 00:00:44.580 --> 00:00:47.140 working in the Office of Institutional Diversity 15 00:00:47.140 --> 00:00:50.618 and Inclusion where we work with faculty members 16 00:00:50.618 --> 00:00:53.988 and graduate teaching assistants to ensure 17 00:00:53.988 --> 00:00:57.230 that you all have the resources that you need to ensure 18 00:00:57.230 --> 00:00:59.151 that students are being successful, 19 00:00:59.151 --> 00:01:01.220 both inside the classroom 20 00:01:01.220 --> 00:01:03.546 as well as outside of the classroom. 21 00:01:03.546 --> 00:01:07.171 Because within our role, one of the things that we see, 22 00:01:07.171 --> 00:01:09.795 we see one of two things happen to students. 23 00:01:09.795 --> 00:01:13.295 We see students who come in, and, you know, 24 00:01:13.295 --> 00:01:16.666 socially, academically, they're doing well, 25 00:01:16.666 --> 00:01:19.395 but socially they just have a really hard time 26 00:01:19.395 --> 00:01:21.099 getting plugged in to campus, 27 00:01:21.099 --> 00:01:23.295 and getting plugged in to organizations, 28 00:01:23.295 --> 00:01:25.754 and getting plugged in to programs and events. 29 00:01:25.754 --> 00:01:28.058 Or we'll see the second thing, the students, 30 00:01:28.058 --> 00:01:29.914 they socially have it going on. 31 00:01:29.914 --> 00:01:31.063 You know the students I'm talking about. 32 00:01:31.063 --> 00:01:32.320 (audience laughs) 33 00:01:32.320 --> 00:01:37.146 Yeah, but academically, they're having a really hard time, 34 00:01:37.146 --> 00:01:39.962 and that's where you all come in, 35 00:01:39.962 --> 00:01:41.492 in terms of the classroom, 36 00:01:41.492 --> 00:01:44.975 and even getting our office involved with 37 00:01:44.975 --> 00:01:48.559 being pro-active about engaging students academically, 38 00:01:48.559 --> 00:01:51.055 because we're here as a resource for students. 39 00:01:51.055 --> 00:01:53.210 Often times one of the things that we see is 40 00:01:53.210 --> 00:01:55.386 particularly with our black students is that 41 00:01:55.386 --> 00:01:58.543 our black students suffer in silence in the classroom. 42 00:01:58.543 --> 00:02:01.487 That they're having a really hard time in the classroom 43 00:02:01.487 --> 00:02:03.039 but they're afraid to go out 44 00:02:03.039 --> 00:02:04.922 and get the resources that they need, 45 00:02:04.922 --> 00:02:07.119 and so our office works with that. 46 00:02:07.119 --> 00:02:10.165 Or we'll see, often times with our international students 47 00:02:10.165 --> 00:02:13.050 is that sometimes they don't feel like things are right 48 00:02:13.050 --> 00:02:15.694 but they're intimidated to go to their instructors 49 00:02:15.694 --> 00:02:18.302 and talk to their instructor 50 00:02:18.302 --> 00:02:20.287 in order to get the resources that we need. 51 00:02:20.287 --> 00:02:23.403 So don't feel afraid to kinda bring us in 52 00:02:23.403 --> 00:02:25.263 to those conversations. 53 00:02:25.263 --> 00:02:27.268 So I'm just gonna quickly go over 54 00:02:27.268 --> 00:02:30.063 a few stats for you all that I think that 55 00:02:30.063 --> 00:02:32.135 you all may need to know is that, 56 00:02:32.135 --> 00:02:34.777 number one, Mississippi State, if you didn't know, 57 00:02:34.777 --> 00:02:37.727 has the highest enrollment of black students 58 00:02:37.727 --> 00:02:40.031 than any other institution in the SEC. 59 00:02:40.031 --> 00:02:42.746 So we're really leading out front with that 60 00:02:42.746 --> 00:02:45.365 with our African-American students. 61 00:02:45.365 --> 00:02:49.423 19.3% of our students here at Mississippi State 62 00:02:49.423 --> 00:02:51.365 are African-American students, 63 00:02:51.365 --> 00:02:54.816 and so we're really leading the way in terms of that. 64 00:02:54.816 --> 00:02:58.187 And then we have a really large international population 65 00:02:58.187 --> 00:03:02.906 as well, with over 85 different countries represented here. 66 00:03:02.906 --> 00:03:06.213 In terms of our international diversity here. 67 00:03:06.213 --> 00:03:09.477 So Mississippi State is really, actively involved 68 00:03:09.477 --> 00:03:12.245 in ensuring that our university is diverse, 69 00:03:12.245 --> 00:03:14.852 but not only diverse, but inclusive. 70 00:03:14.852 --> 00:03:17.242 Because there's a difference between the two. 71 00:03:17.242 --> 00:03:19.695 I really like to define it as this way, 72 00:03:19.695 --> 00:03:23.109 is diversity is being asked to come to the party, 73 00:03:23.109 --> 00:03:25.690 but inclusion is being asked to dance. 74 00:03:25.690 --> 00:03:28.677 So one of the things that you all are responsible for 75 00:03:28.677 --> 00:03:32.451 in your classrooms, invite students to dance. 76 00:03:32.451 --> 00:03:35.034 Ensure that your role in the classroom 77 00:03:35.034 --> 00:03:37.978 is that you're makin' your classroom as inclusive 78 00:03:37.978 --> 00:03:40.474 as possible for all students. 79 00:03:40.474 --> 00:03:41.818 But it's important for us, 80 00:03:41.818 --> 00:03:43.589 when we're thinkin' about diversity 81 00:03:43.589 --> 00:03:46.106 is not just thinkin' about it in terms of race. 82 00:03:46.106 --> 00:03:48.709 That the other thing that we need to be thinkin' about 83 00:03:48.709 --> 00:03:52.844 is that diversity is also socioeconomic status. 84 00:03:52.844 --> 00:03:55.616 That all of our students are not gonna be 85 00:03:55.616 --> 00:03:57.685 privy to certain privileges, 86 00:03:57.685 --> 00:04:00.783 and so keepin' that in mind as we go through the process, 87 00:04:00.783 --> 00:04:02.362 keepin' in mind that now, 88 00:04:02.362 --> 00:04:05.903 a part of diversity are the trends of LGBTQ students 89 00:04:05.903 --> 00:04:08.207 that you all have to be aware of. 90 00:04:08.207 --> 00:04:11.621 We're having a higher number of transgender students 91 00:04:11.621 --> 00:04:13.199 comin' into the classroom. 92 00:04:13.199 --> 00:04:15.973 And so even as teaching assistants, 93 00:04:15.973 --> 00:04:17.701 you may encounter students 94 00:04:17.701 --> 00:04:20.853 who prefer to go by a particular pronoun. 95 00:04:20.853 --> 00:04:22.693 And one of the things that we ask you to do 96 00:04:22.693 --> 00:04:24.975 is to accommodate the growing trends 97 00:04:24.975 --> 00:04:28.043 of our LGBTQ community here. 98 00:04:28.043 --> 00:04:31.585 And if you have any problems, if you have any questions, 99 00:04:31.585 --> 00:04:34.915 feel free to come out and asksus those questions 100 00:04:34.915 --> 00:04:36.815 that you may all have. 101 00:04:36.815 --> 00:04:39.695 Also, we're seeing more students that are veterans 102 00:04:39.695 --> 00:04:41.914 returning back to the school. 103 00:04:41.914 --> 00:04:44.385 So one of the things that you all need to think about 104 00:04:44.385 --> 00:04:47.140 is how do we accommodate our veteran students. 105 00:04:47.140 --> 00:04:49.975 How do we ensure that the environment are inclusive 106 00:04:49.975 --> 00:04:52.645 to the veterans who may be having 107 00:04:52.645 --> 00:04:55.583 particular challenges with that, 108 00:04:55.583 --> 00:04:57.295 and so I would encourage you all 109 00:04:57.295 --> 00:05:00.108 to reach out to the Center for America's Veterans 110 00:05:00.108 --> 00:05:03.882 to get them involved with any issues or challenges, 111 00:05:03.882 --> 00:05:06.170 or even successes that you may be having 112 00:05:06.170 --> 00:05:08.643 with veteran students returning back 113 00:05:08.643 --> 00:05:11.077 to the university as well. 114 00:05:11.077 --> 00:05:14.405 We have a varying amount of political 115 00:05:14.405 --> 00:05:15.882 views here at the university, 116 00:05:15.882 --> 00:05:17.631 and with this being an election year, 117 00:05:17.631 --> 00:05:19.914 you all may see it in the classroom. 118 00:05:19.914 --> 00:05:21.791 And so one of the things that it's important 119 00:05:21.791 --> 00:05:24.522 for you all to do, and I tell everyone 120 00:05:24.522 --> 00:05:27.551 across the board, be fair and be consistent. 121 00:05:27.551 --> 00:05:29.315 And you all model what it is 122 00:05:29.315 --> 00:05:31.327 that you want your students to do 123 00:05:31.327 --> 00:05:34.698 inside and outside of the classroom as well. 124 00:05:34.698 --> 00:05:36.490 And so remember that, 125 00:05:36.490 --> 00:05:38.450 when it's coming to students in the classroom 126 00:05:38.450 --> 00:05:42.655 that students are bringing learned behaviors with them, 127 00:05:42.655 --> 00:05:45.663 students are bringing their identities with them, 128 00:05:45.663 --> 00:05:48.069 and students are bringing their backgrounds with them, 129 00:05:48.069 --> 00:05:50.501 and so, as a teaching assistant, 130 00:05:50.501 --> 00:05:53.194 how is it that you all can work to meet the needs 131 00:05:53.194 --> 00:05:55.498 of all of these different demographics, 132 00:05:55.498 --> 00:05:57.567 all of these different identities, 133 00:05:57.567 --> 00:05:59.358 and all of these different individuals 134 00:05:59.358 --> 00:06:01.608 coming into your classroom. 135 00:06:03.774 --> 00:06:08.197 So, how does this affect you and your role as a GTA? 136 00:06:08.197 --> 00:06:11.055 I put together a list of some best practices 137 00:06:11.055 --> 00:06:13.338 that I think that you all want to keep in mind 138 00:06:13.338 --> 00:06:15.258 as you're proceeding forward 139 00:06:15.258 --> 00:06:18.008 with this upcoming academic year. 140 00:06:19.311 --> 00:06:20.478 And that is to 141 00:06:22.981 --> 00:06:26.927 treat each individual with respect and awareness 142 00:06:26.927 --> 00:06:28.933 of the unique identities that's gonna exist 143 00:06:28.933 --> 00:06:30.682 in your classroom. 144 00:06:30.682 --> 00:06:33.258 That understanding that your background 145 00:06:33.258 --> 00:06:35.162 is not like other students' backgrounds, 146 00:06:35.162 --> 00:06:36.997 and one student's background is not like 147 00:06:36.997 --> 00:06:38.789 the one that's sitting beside them, 148 00:06:38.789 --> 00:06:42.437 and so be aware that every one has a story. 149 00:06:42.437 --> 00:06:45.103 And so I would encourage you all as GTAs, 150 00:06:45.103 --> 00:06:47.087 get to know your student's story. 151 00:06:47.087 --> 00:06:49.818 Because once you get to know your students' stories, 152 00:06:49.818 --> 00:06:51.887 then you can be a resource for them. 153 00:06:51.887 --> 00:06:54.506 Again, you've heard it throughout all of the speakers 154 00:06:54.506 --> 00:06:56.874 speaking up until this point, 155 00:06:56.874 --> 00:07:00.351 but Mississippi State is invested in student success. 156 00:07:00.351 --> 00:07:02.267 And I think that we're not just here 157 00:07:02.267 --> 00:07:04.234 to collect a paycheck cause the pay 158 00:07:04.234 --> 00:07:05.898 is not that good, no offense, Dr. Bruce, 159 00:07:05.898 --> 00:07:08.030 none at all. (audience laughs) 160 00:07:08.030 --> 00:07:11.228 But what is it that we're really hopin' to gain? 161 00:07:11.228 --> 00:07:13.258 And so even as graduate assistants 162 00:07:13.258 --> 00:07:15.455 there's something that you all are hoping to gain 163 00:07:15.455 --> 00:07:17.690 by going on and getting your Master's 164 00:07:17.690 --> 00:07:19.397 and getting your PhD. 165 00:07:19.397 --> 00:07:20.767 Understanding that there's something 166 00:07:20.767 --> 00:07:23.370 that these undergraduate students are hoping to gain 167 00:07:23.370 --> 00:07:26.229 and they're lookin' to you in order to get it. 168 00:07:26.229 --> 00:07:28.959 Understand that differences may influence 169 00:07:28.959 --> 00:07:32.117 individual responses to the presentation of the question. 170 00:07:32.117 --> 00:07:35.487 So there may be cultural differences that exist 171 00:07:35.487 --> 00:07:36.958 inside the classroom, 172 00:07:36.958 --> 00:07:39.647 and not to get frustrated by the cultural differences, 173 00:07:39.647 --> 00:07:42.335 but ensuring that your teaching style 174 00:07:42.335 --> 00:07:44.358 is accommodating the cultures that exist 175 00:07:44.358 --> 00:07:46.623 within the classroom. 176 00:07:46.623 --> 00:07:49.754 So vary up your instructional strategies, 177 00:07:49.754 --> 00:07:51.274 to ensure that you're meeting the needs 178 00:07:51.274 --> 00:07:53.726 of all of the diverse students that exist 179 00:07:53.726 --> 00:07:56.010 inside of your classroom. 180 00:07:56.010 --> 00:07:59.674 Use visual graphics to enforce learning, 181 00:07:59.674 --> 00:08:04.053 especially when working with non-native English students, 182 00:08:04.053 --> 00:08:07.553 and I think that's very important as well. 183 00:08:09.173 --> 00:08:12.010 Use examples that reflect diverse backgrounds 184 00:08:12.010 --> 00:08:15.829 and experiences and not those that just relate to you 185 00:08:15.829 --> 00:08:19.996 because 99.9999% of the time, I really do think I'm right 186 00:08:20.991 --> 00:08:23.951 about everything, but recognizing that, 187 00:08:23.951 --> 00:08:27.067 you know, I may not be right so how can I draw 188 00:08:27.067 --> 00:08:30.570 from some of the other experiences of other people 189 00:08:30.570 --> 00:08:34.237 and utilize it inside the classroom as well. 190 00:08:35.349 --> 00:08:40.293 Be understand the gender-neutral pronouns that exist. 191 00:08:40.293 --> 00:08:41.937 One of the things that I encourage you to do 192 00:08:41.937 --> 00:08:44.522 is do research on gender-neutral pronouns 193 00:08:44.522 --> 00:08:48.383 because it is, again, becoming a growing trend. 194 00:08:48.383 --> 00:08:50.810 So much so that Mississippi State University 195 00:08:50.810 --> 00:08:53.973 we have put into several buildings on campus 196 00:08:53.973 --> 00:08:57.919 gender-neutral restrooms because of the ever-growing trend 197 00:08:57.919 --> 00:09:01.160 of transgender students here on the university, 198 00:09:01.160 --> 00:09:02.527 and I'm personally working 199 00:09:02.527 --> 00:09:04.635 with four transgender students now. 200 00:09:04.635 --> 00:09:08.052 So the need for an inclusive language for 201 00:09:10.015 --> 00:09:13.279 individuals of the LGBTQ community is important. 202 00:09:13.279 --> 00:09:15.499 So don't feel afraid to ask someone 203 00:09:15.499 --> 00:09:19.548 what they prefer in terms of their pronouns. 204 00:09:19.548 --> 00:09:23.542 And I think that's something else that's important also. 205 00:09:23.542 --> 00:09:26.012 Do not ask or expect or a student to represent 206 00:09:26.012 --> 00:09:29.862 the views of all members of his or her group, 207 00:09:29.862 --> 00:09:31.206 and so I think that's important. 208 00:09:31.206 --> 00:09:33.037 Often times one of the things that I see 209 00:09:33.037 --> 00:09:34.875 is biases that takes place 210 00:09:34.875 --> 00:09:37.371 because of experiences with certain identities, 211 00:09:37.371 --> 00:09:41.254 or certain races, we try to project that onto everyone. 212 00:09:41.254 --> 00:09:43.131 And so I think it's very important for us 213 00:09:43.131 --> 00:09:45.380 to make for sure that we're not 214 00:09:45.380 --> 00:09:48.777 having this one-size shoe fits for all races, 215 00:09:48.777 --> 00:09:52.489 or for all identities in the classroom. 216 00:09:52.489 --> 00:09:55.433 Hold equal expectations for all of your students. 217 00:09:55.433 --> 00:09:58.245 And so you heard Tabor Mullen talk a little bit 218 00:09:58.245 --> 00:09:59.614 about the Honor Code. 219 00:09:59.614 --> 00:10:01.254 One of the things that I'll tell you 220 00:10:01.254 --> 00:10:03.902 is what you do for one, do for the other. 221 00:10:03.902 --> 00:10:05.609 It's not fair to turn one person in 222 00:10:05.609 --> 00:10:07.742 for the Honor Code violation, 223 00:10:07.742 --> 00:10:09.299 and then another student you allow them 224 00:10:09.299 --> 00:10:10.793 to get away with it. 225 00:10:10.793 --> 00:10:12.798 And so again, that goes back to that 226 00:10:12.798 --> 00:10:17.235 being fair and being consistent inside of the classroom. 227 00:10:17.235 --> 00:10:19.982 And if you have control of the course design, 228 00:10:19.982 --> 00:10:22.227 textbook selection, assignments, 229 00:10:22.227 --> 00:10:25.491 be sure to include viewpoints from other cultures 230 00:10:25.491 --> 00:10:28.985 that are represented in your classroom as well. 231 00:10:28.985 --> 00:10:32.531 And then the last thing I'll leave you with is 232 00:10:32.531 --> 00:10:35.966 create a safe space for dialogue about diversity, 233 00:10:35.966 --> 00:10:38.973 is that you know the media is really showing us 234 00:10:38.973 --> 00:10:41.065 where diversity is going, 235 00:10:41.065 --> 00:10:42.704 and so we have to keep in mind 236 00:10:42.704 --> 00:10:45.711 how is it that as employees of the universities, 237 00:10:45.711 --> 00:10:48.910 and how, as contributing members of society, 238 00:10:48.910 --> 00:10:51.705 we can create a space that is safe for students 239 00:10:51.705 --> 00:10:53.502 to feel like they have someone 240 00:10:53.502 --> 00:10:57.001 that'll be able to go and talk to about their experiences 241 00:10:57.001 --> 00:10:59.134 within the institution as well as 242 00:10:59.134 --> 00:11:01.070 outside of the institution. 243 00:11:01.070 --> 00:11:03.998 So allow your classrooms to be that space. 244 00:11:03.998 --> 00:11:05.641 Allow you to be that space 245 00:11:05.641 --> 00:11:07.965 where students not afraid to come 246 00:11:07.965 --> 00:11:11.571 and talk to you if they have any questions. 247 00:11:11.571 --> 00:11:13.065 And that's all I had. 248 00:11:13.065 --> 00:11:15.237 I promised I wouldn't stand between you and a break. 249 00:11:15.237 --> 00:11:18.185 So, thank you all for giving me the opportunity 250 00:11:18.185 --> 00:11:19.827 to talk to y'all. 251 00:11:19.827 --> 00:11:21.662 My office is located in the second floor 252 00:11:21.662 --> 00:11:23.390 of the Culver Student Union. 253 00:11:23.390 --> 00:11:25.377 So if you ever need anything just let me know, 254 00:11:25.377 --> 00:11:26.852 I saw a hand back here. 255 00:11:26.852 --> 00:11:27.810 Do you have a question. 256 00:11:27.810 --> 00:11:29.046 (audience member asks question softly) 257 00:11:29.046 --> 00:11:30.453 (audience laughs) Oh, (laughs). 258 00:11:30.453 --> 00:11:31.362 Appreciate that. 259 00:11:31.362 --> 00:11:33.321 Thank you all so much. 260 00:11:33.321 --> 00:11:36.321 (audience applauds)