Ph.D. student in Plant and Soil Sciences, Joey Williams, won awards at the Southern ASA meeting in Louisville, KY.
Ph.D. Plant and Soil Sciences
Joey Williams, a Graduate student in the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, recently participated in the Southern American Society of Agronomy Branch competition for Agronomy Professionals.
This competition encompasses the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, Texas, and the territories of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.
The ASA Conference competition is designed to bring students and Agronomy Professionals together for networking opportunities. During the competition, students present their research to these professionals who then judge their work.
The competition is divided into both poster and oral presentations (at the Masters and Doctorate levels). Joey's/Mr. Williams research on corn row spacing won an award in both the PhD Agronomy poster competition and the PhD Agronomy oral competition. We would like to congratulate and recognize Joey/Mr. Williams for his recent accomplishments during the Southern ASA Conference.
Article submitted by: Natalie Parrott, Program Coordinator, Office of the Graduate School.
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