The Graduate School
The Graduate School supports graduate students in every program at the Mississippi State University. We provide assistance in academic matters, advice on University-wide degree requirements, information on the availability of financial assistance including assistantships, fellowships and scholarships, as well as approval for theses and dissertations.
On this website you can find descriptions and contact information for our office staff, links to academic policies, forms, and general resource information. You will also find links to activities designed to enrich your graduate student experience both academically and socially. All of us in the Graduate School wish you success in pursuing your advanced studies, and encourage you to contact us if you need assistance or information.
Our office staff organization can be viewed here:

The Office of the Graduate School has decided to release monthly newsletter to help inform students and faculty about important deadlines, announcements, policies, student/staff achievements, and upcoming events. A list of the monthly newsletters can be found below:
2024 Newsletter Issues
2023 Newsletter Issues
2022 Newsletter Issues
2021 Archived Newsletter Issues
2020 Archived Newsletter Issues
November/December 2020 Newsletter
(If you would like to request that a student/staff achievement be included in a monthly newsletter, please contact Mrs. Lindsey Storey Shelton,