Due to COVID-19, the Graduate School was forced to cancel Graduate Student Appreciation Week. While we were not able to celebrate on campus, we wish to recognize our outstanding students and mentors.
2019-2020 Graduate Student Hall of Fame
The College of Engineering awarded Jack Francis, a PhD student in Industrial and Systems Engineering as their Hall of Fame Recipient for 2019-2020.

The College of Business awarded Christian Barney, a PhD student in Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing as their Hall of Fame Recipient for 2019-2020.

The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences awarded Dave Spencer, a PhD student in Agronomy as their Hall of Fame Recipient for 2019-2020.

The College of Arts and Sciences awarded Erica Szkody, a PhD student in Applied Psychology with a Clinical emphasis as their Hall of Fame Recipient for 2019-2020.

The College of Forest Resources awarded Alexandra Firth, a PhD student in Forrest Resources as their Hall of Fame Recipient for 2019-2020.
The College of Veterinary Medicine awarded James Nichols, a PhD student in Environmental Toxicology as their Hall of Fame Recipient for 2019-2020.

The College of Education awarded Poram Choi, a PhD student in Kinesiology with a concentration in Exercise Science as their Hall of Fame Recipient for 2019-2020.

2019-2020 Graduate Assistants of the Year
The Graduate Teaching Assistant Award Recipient is Sachini Arachchige, a PhD student in Kinesiology.

The Graduate Service Assistant Award Recipient is Chiquita Long Holmes, a PhD student in Counseling.

The Graduate Research Assistant Award Recipient is Dave Spencer, a PhD student in Agronomy.

2019-2020 Graduate Mentor/Advisor of the Year
The Graduate School Mentor of the Year Award Recipient is Dr. Donna Gordon. (Photo not provided.)
The Graduate Student Association Advisor of the Year Award Recipient is Dr. Beth Baker.

Please help us recognize all of these award winners! All nominees were excellent, thank you for your contributions to MSU! HAIL State!
Graduate School Team